When your boss doesn’t like you

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2 min readAug 19, 2020


What does it mean?

When your boss doesn’t find all the expected task fulfilled and
not getting the full worth of your post than it needs to take some measures steps

Why boss don’t like their employee?

When employees are not able to complete boss expectations, lack of confidence level, kind of contribution.

Who needed to change?

Employees need to change and ask some asked question
What kind of contribution are you looking for from someone in my role?” “How could I add more value in this job?” or “What areas do you see as most important for me to develop?”

When do we get to know this?

The most obvious indication that your boss doesn’t think you’re able to deliver is getting assigned lower-quality work than your peers. Slightly subtler signs of flagging confidence are being managed more closely than everyone else or constantly being paired with a trusted colleague on important projects.

Where changes are required?

Rehabilitating your boss’s trust will require deliberate steps. First, start by clarifying their expectations. A majority of confidence issues I see stem from bosses who weren’t clear about what they wanted.

How to change this feeling?

Once you feel clear on what’s expected, you need an all-out campaign to enhance your boss’ perception that you are both competent and reliable. To address the competence side, engage with your manager about what knowledge, skills, or experience will be required to succeed.

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